Address:34 Newton St, Chicago



Amstel Advocaten

Specialists in real estate law

Panamalaan 112 Amsterdam, 020-5289030

Check our recommendations

We are the best real estate lawyers in rent law, neighbours’rights and obligations law and the law governing Owners’Associations.

We believe we will only have helped you properly when you no longer need us. We are a firm that is keen to share ideas with you in order to find a solid solution that best suits your situation. You can expect us to always try to achieve the best possible result.

Our firm focuses on entrepreneurs and private individuals. We specialise in real estate, neighbours’ rights and obligations, the law governing Owners’ Associations, rent law, construction law and debt collection law.

PODCASTMr. Annemarie Govers at BNR Nieuwsradio

You can listen to the podcast here! Click on the play button below.

MAGAZINEAVDR on tour: Amstel Advocaten

Here you can read the magazine in detail and watch the webinars.

PODCASTMeet Annemarie Govers

Annemarie in conversation with the Real Estate Society about the changing real estate market.

TVNeighborhood dispute over hot tub - EditieNL

Amstel Advocaten in conversation with EditieNL about a dispute between neighbors over a hot tub. Watch the video.

We are creative, ingenious and never give up. In short, we offer everything you could hope for from a law firm.

Amstel Advocaten

What we doHow can we help you?

Do you need advice about real estate, a dispute about the site boundary with a project developer or a neighbour, renovation work within an Owners' Association, a disagreement about a lease, or a party that is failing to pay? With a team of passionate specialists we are able to help entrepreneurs and private individuals make progress by offering them workable solutions.

We are clear about the opportunities, risks and costs.

"No ivory tower, but both feet on the ground."


Always easily accessible and therefore accessible… passionate lawyers! They act to the point, very professionally and therefore achieve good results.

Contact UsPlease do not hesitate to contact us or stop by

Call us, email or make an appointment for a no-obligation exploratory meeting. The first half hour is free of charge. You will find our office at Panamalaan 112 in the Oostelijk Havengebied in Amsterdam.
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