Address:34 Newton St, Chicago



AREAS OF LAWReal estate mediation

Real estate mediationMediation is not something vague and wishy-washy, but effective and quick.

Real estate mediation is a type of conflict management whereby a neutral mediator supervises parties as they jointly look for a solution which best suits their interests. Because real estate is a very specific specialist field where parties may come across each other and need each other on a regular basis, Annemarie Govers at Amstel Advocaten specialises in real estate mediation.

Courts also work with judges who have been trained as mediators!

These days, courts also work with judges who have been trained as mediators. As a consequence, they can select certain cases which they believe are suitable for mediation (often in the context of neighbours’ rights and obligations and real estate law). If this is the case, the court will ask the parties whether they would like to opt for a ‘Solution-oriented hearing’ [GOO-zitting]. During a hearing like this the court takes more time for the case and the parties themselves are given more time to speak. Amstel Advocaten has already used this approach to bring numerous cases to a satisfactory conclusion based on a formal statement of settlement.

Direct in contact komen met een vastgoedspecialist?

Annemarie Govers-Schotten

Annemarie Govers-Schotten

Sebastiaan Kieffer

Nicolet Don

Sarah van der Salm

Sarah van der Salm

Sebastiaan Kieffer

Sebastiaan Kieffer

Bob de Jager

Bob de Jager

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